thermal etching

英 [ˈθɜːml ˈetʃɪŋ] 美 [ˈθɜːrml ˈetʃɪŋ]




  1. The Research on Corrosion Behavior of Dental Alloys in Common Use by Electrochemical Method; thermal etching
  2. The grain boundary energy was measured with thermal etching method.
  3. Thermal etching The technology and condition of extraction were studied in this paper, of which hot water extraction was used to extract polysaccharide from edible fungi.
  4. Influence of Slope and Rainfall Intensity on Runoff and Erosion Hydraulic Characteristics on Grassed Roadways thermal etching
  5. Heat Transfer and Ablation of Insulation in Second Combustion Chamber with Different Configuration in SRR thermal etching
  6. Influence of Thermal Ammonia Etching on the Nano-structure of Iron Films on Si Substrate
  7. According to the uncooled infrared focal plane array and thermal shear stress sensor, some questions in the wet etching and releasing of such MEMS devices were analyzed. Analysis of etching mechanism offered an effective reference for the etching hole or etching channel design;
  8. The Graphic Input for a Laser-Induced Thermal Etching System
  9. The formation of the nano-sized thermal groove boundary that is harmful to the next processing step of etching was considered as the relaxation of the initial tensile stress in Cr film and the lower diffusion rate during laser oxidation at the lower temperature.
  10. Plenty of oxidation etching pits are found on the surface of the specimen after the thermal fatigue test, and the surface principal crack is prone to propagate through these etching pits.
  11. Study of Infrared Thermal Image in Process of Wet Etching
  12. The major experimental conclusions include: The temperature distribution and heat diffuse of solution can be truly reflected by infrared thermal image, which is valuable for the analysis of thermal circumstance of laser assisted etching;
  13. In order to reduce the thermal conductivity and heating capacity and increase the detectivity of array, the suspended structure was formed on silicon wafer by chemical etching of KOH.
  14. Its composition and construction make polyimide a material that has dielectric characteristics and thermal characteristics better than that of inorganic dielectric materials such as SiO2, Moreover, the etching method is simple.
  15. The result indicates that there are obvious differences between CO2 and CH4 gas reservoirs on value of thermal etching carbonate, fluorescence spectrum and CO2 gas content in Huagou area.
  16. The direct reasons that result in visible damage are the stress explosion in the bulk and the thermal melting, thermal etching and plasma emission on the surface.
  17. The erosion of GD type steel fibre in industrial phosph-acid has been tested by the electrochemistry and thermal etching testing.
  18. Oxidation leads to the degradation of mechanical, thermal and optical properties of diamond films at elevated temperatures, that is resulted mainly from the damage of the grain boundaries due the preferential etching.
  19. This work includes the separation of particles, disposing of the particle sample on the surface of nuclear track detector, irradiation of the sample by thermal neutrons and chemical etching, selection of uranium particles and so on.
  20. This interconnect system possesses the characteristics of higher temperature resistance than aluminum, higher step coverage, better thermal stability, better adhesion, compatibility with CMOS process, easy dry etching and lower resistance, so it can satisfy the requirements of multi-level interconnects of VLSI.
  21. The membrane of SiO_2, which has lower thermal conductivity compared with SiN_x, is fabricated as heat and electric insulator, and single crystal Si is apt to form reverse-cup structure through anisotropy etching.
  22. By the study of thermal-mechanical effect during short-pulse excimer laser interacting with matter in liquid, the thermal effect is little and the mechanical effect is marked. A novel silicon etching technique, excimer-laser electrochemical etching silicon, was studied.
  23. We have fabricated the planar micro-disk cavities of fixed size by a series of traditional MEMS micro-process technics including thermal growth, photolithography and etching and so on.